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Groups of in a sentence

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Sentence count:221+8Posted:2018-05-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: groupgroupergroupieregroupin-groupsubgroupgroupedage group
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181 When we ran along the park, I saw groups of people play shadowboxing gracefully.
182 The whole groups of species sometimes falsely appear to have been abruptly developed.
183 The teacher set down clearly the island groups of the South Pacific.
184 Comparing two groups of quantity of anesthetic or change of life systematic sign and resuming time.
185 As you can see, several groups of people contribute to a software product.
186 Methods Clinical data of 207 cases with effusion hydrothorax were retrospectively analyzed groups of different ages.
186 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
187 Anthropocentrism and non - anthropocentrism are two groups of studying the relationship between human being and nature.
188 The 12 groups of constraints in railway car approving have also been analyzed respectively.
189 Objective : To identify three groups of traditionaldrugs by electrophoresis finger - prints.
190 Extended Huffman compression can encode groups of symbols rather than single symbols.
191 Different ecological distribution and dominant groups of Aphyllophorales in different vegetation types.
192 In Scotland there are groups of people who are fighting hard to keep Gaelic alive.
193 Many people waved Chinese flags and cheered, significantly outnumbering small groups of protester holding pro - democracy placards.
194 Groups of gleaners had squatted in the sun on every square yard.
195 Standing postures, then , provide the foundation for other groups of asana.
196 There are no pressure groups of any note that draw attention to the Congolese situation.
197 Second ,[] evidence is growing that climate change hits two specific groups of people disproportionately and unfairly.
198 Such a quantum repeater uses groups of three photons for each bit of the message.
199 The results indicated that there were twelve groups of soil fauna, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Annelida etc.
200 A terrific east wind swept away the groups of clouds.
201 There are breeding groups of long - tailed macaques and rhesus monkeys - and their hybrids.
202 One Iands, then two , making groups of three joined magnetically.
203 Instruct means giving practicalinformation or knowledge, especially to groups of trainees ( eg soldiers or nurses ).
204 This paper presents three ways of distinguishing conn eeting groups of three phase transformers.
205 Mike Mike are groups of chemical entities, a total of 9 or equity holding company.
206 LAC level in both groups of our study increased after anhepatic phase.
207 I know groups of trees that ravish the eye with their perfect, picture like effects.
208 The carbonyl groups of ketone, aldehyde and ester were generated during photooxidation . 3.
209 Smaller groups of Chinese laborers, farmers and merchants were also found in Nanaimo and New Westminster.
210 She spends her Easter holidays taking groups of children to France.
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